I'm currently a third year at UVA studying Computer Science. I'm into weightlifing, playing guitar, and like to code! Thanks for stopping by my site! Feel free to check out my blog posts since I'm trying to upload a new one every so often, and leave a message in the guestbook!
A Project built fully on Java. I used JavaFX and FXML for the UI/frontend and Java and JDBC (Java database connection) for the backend. This project is no longer being hosted on a URL, but I've linked my GitHub so you can check out the source code!
This project was built with the Django framework for Python. I utilized Bootstrap for the frontend and worked on a team of five people total to develop the app. My main role was more backend/devops focused. I was responsible for setting up our Amazon S3 file storage, PostgreSQL database, and cloud hosting. This project is currently being hosted, so feel free to check out either the source code or the deployed project!
This is a site I built for a client last summer. I was responsible for the location pages, so I developed the linked directory and all of the individual linked location pages for them. Similar to this site, I mainly used React, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS for development. I did however use a different CMS and deployment method, if you'd like to learn more about the content management and deployment for this website head to the posts page!